we like hearing from everyone who works with us
institutions' TESTIMONIALS

Markella Charalambous
Middlesex University, UK, UAE, december 2022
We value you as partner and we are happy with our cooperation.

Julie Middleton
Hebron Academy, usa, october 2020
AcademConsult's reputation for…Experience and Exceptional Placement AcademConsult's reputation for excellence as a premiere educational placement agency is well founded as their service and knowledgeable expertise will guide you through a positive experience to an exceptional placement.

Anna Chebotar
Mander Portman Woodward, uk, October 2020
Pleasure to work with!
My name is Anna and I represent MPW schools - elite British Schools. We are very accurate and delicate in terms of choosing our partners to represent our interests. Priority for MPW is great reputation, professionalism, support in every step, successful visa rates and strong focus on quality partnership. AcademConsult have all that and it is also a real pleasure to work with them as not only professionals but also as nice and friendly team. Special thanks for organizing an online fair in such an unclear time and I was pleased by engagement and questions from visitors of my presentation!

Paul McLean
The American International School-Salzburg, Austria,May 2020
AcademConsult has been a very reliable and professional partner for the American International School-Salzburg over many years and we are grateful for their assistance and their services. Finding a solid partner for the recruitment and selection of secondary boarding school students is a difficult task and requires a great deal of information, knowledge and experience. We are very pleased to have found all three qualities at AcademConsult and look forward to working with them long into the future. Highly recommended!

Daria Fisher-Jones
Oxford International, uk, January 2020
Great and professional agency!
I have been working with AcademConsult for several years. They are great professionals and always a pleasure to work with. Our events are always a success and are held on a very high level. The Team shows great customer service as well and good knowledge of higher education abroad and visa/immigration regulations.

Julia Podshivalova
SEG, Switzerland, December 2019
My name is Julia, I'm the Regional Manager of Swiss Education Group. Academconsult is our long-term partner on the Russian market. This agency is well-known in Saint-Petersburg and consider to be the best one. This agent brings us good number of students every year and presents great service for its clients. If you want to find first class service, experienced consultants in a great environment, please, contact Academconsult team and be sure that everything will be done in a proper way!

Montverde Academy in central Florida has had only great experiences with the service provided and the students sent to us from this exceptional boarding school consultant. We work with many consultants world-wide, and this group is one of the best of them. I recommend AcademConsult highly.

Our school has been working with AcademConsult for several years now and we can recommend them as a very professional agency with very approachable consultants with high knowledge of British Education.

Sergey Krasnyansky
ICEF GmbH, international, september 2018
За много лет работы с агентствами из России и стран СНГ хочу выделить АкадемКонсалт как одно из наиболее профессиональных агентств, работающих в области международного образования. Мы сотрудничаем уже более десяти лет и за это время компания АкадемКонсалт неизменно показывала высочайший уровень профессионализма, ответственности и компетентности во всех вопросах - мнение разделяемое и клиентами и коллегами по отрасли. Отдельную благодарность хочу выразить ее руководителю, Ирине Следьевой, за привнесение столь высоких стандартов качества в российский рынок образования за рубежом!

SCHOOL CONNECTIONS, usa, august 2018
AcademConsult is a first class agency and Irina and her entire staff are professional, ethical and hold themselves to very high standards.

Linda Bouwman
Fontys University, netherlands, August 2017
Good and trustful agency. Professional in reception of representative. Keeping informed, and if not sure then asking for the correct information. More importantly: good consults to potential students and their parents.

Camille Hosseini
Swiss Education Group, Switzerland, august 2017
AcademConsult has been representing Swiss Education Group at various education fairs since the beginning of our cooperation in February 2009 and also organized excellent seminars and school visits. They have proved over the years to be a serious, professional and trustworthy company. We can only recommend their services to others. The payments were always made on due dates and they are very conversant with visa regulations. AcademConsult sent us a very good number of students over the last years and continues to respond in a positive manner. The AcademConsult staff is very professional and efficient in their work. They have also very good knowledge of the programs offered in the hotel management schools of Swiss Education Group. I am very happy with the cooperation that I have developed over the last years with AcademConsult. They always reply on time to my emails and this is a very important point for me. They recently created a landing page in Russian language about Swiss Education Group and their support for online promotion is highly appreciated.

Having worked with AcademConsult for a good few years now, I have always found the team to be very friendly, professional and responsive to my requests. They are easy to work with and make a strong partner in St. Petersburg, Russia

Alla Zhavoronkova
Navitas, INTERNATIONAL, april 2017
This letter comes as a confirmation that Navitas has been working with AcademConsult for several years and we are very happy with our partnership. This company has successfully recruited students to Navitas academic programmes in USA, Canada and UK. AcademConsult has proved to be an expert of education product and demonstrated high level of professionalism working with us. We are pleased to admit very good quality of counseling and student service provided by AcademConsult and look forward to further successful cooperation with this organisation.

CATS ACADEMY BOSTON, usa, january 2017
This is to confirm AcademConsult, St.Petersburg, Russia is a well-established partner of CATS Academy. We have been in cooperation for a number of years, with a steady volume of students. AcademConsult have an in-depth understanding of the recruitment requirements for our school and only supply us with suitable applicants. All requested information is supplied in time and candidates are adequately screened. We have not experienced any issues while working with this agent. Payments have been prompt and timely. AcademConsult will be a great addition to your cohort of agents, should further details be requiered, feel free to contact us directly.

Joey Uijleman Anthonijs
The Hague University of Applied Sciences, netherlands, march 2016
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) uses the facilities of international representatives and agents for marketing and communication purposes. One of the agents we work with iis AcademConsult. We have been working with you for many years now, and during this time we have had a very good working relationship. The communications are clear and questions are answered quickly. And they have provided us with many good students. The staff at AcademConsult is very professional and helpful towards us as a client as well as to the students, which is very important to us as a university. We are more than happy to work with AcademConsult for the Russian market and consider you to be a value to THUAS. We therefore would have recommend AcademConsult to others.

Olga Dedurina
EU Business School, INTERNATIONAL, november 2012
It is a pleasure for me to recommend AcademConsult. We have been working with this partner since 2007, and during this time they have proven to be a very professional and trustworthy company. I can confirm that AcademConsult promotes its partners and assists the students thoroughly through all stages of the application process that makes our collaboration more productive. The councilors of AcademConsult demonstrate a high level of knowledge of our programs. We have obtained positive results working with AcademConsult and expect that our mutually beneficial cooperation will continue. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this reference.

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